The book launch party for the debut medical comedy murder mystery PLEASURIA: TAKE AS DIRECTED, published by Koehler Books took place on December 1st at Book No Further in Roanoke, and we’re happy to report a good time was had by all!
Sincere thanks to all those who came out to help celebrate the launch of this madcap midlife crisis mystery! Enjoy the photos, and remember to please leave your honest reviews; the more we get, the more people see the book. The more who see it, the more who buy it. The more books sold, the more money I can donate to two special charities (Holly’s House) and Darkness to Light) in the name of my late sister Jackie.

It doesn’t have to be long.
It doesn’t have to be five stars.
Every little bit really does help! And, if you liked the book, please consider sharing with your friends and family.
Finally, if you belong to a book club, maybe they’d enjoy reading and discussing Pleasuria, too? I’m also happy to visit with book clubs, either in person or via Skype…