Dr. Jason Longfellow, PI, the Box-Brain Detective

I thought I’d explain how I developed the character Dr. Jason Longfellow, PI, the Box-Brain Detective. A few years ago, I wrote a blog entitled “The Male Box Brain Versus Female Spaghetti Brain”. It turned out to be a very Read More …

Purchasing Concert Tickets, a Certain Path to PTSD

Along the lines of my recent chain of blogs with the common theme “America is Broken”, I recently made the horrific mistake of purchasing concert tickets. By way of disclaimers, let me say that I often exaggerate for effect. Furthermore, Read More …

An Old Man Living with His AIs, Good Luck with That

As I might have mentioned previously, I’m not a young man; I’m an old man living with his AIs. That would be artificial intelligence for those of you who’ve never met Alexa or Siri, or had their thermostat randomly talk to you. Read More …

I Went Shopping for an Electric Car Buffer, God Help Me

My first mistake, I went shopping for an electric car buffer. Allow me to explain. I have washed and waxed my own cars all my life, I enjoy taking care of my stuff, and it extends the life of the Read More …

Author Tips, Things I’ve Learned About Successful Writing

Recently, I was asked to provide a few author tips, things that I’ve learned that help one succeed as a writer and published author. Flattered to be asked, I spent some time thinking about it and came up with six Read More …

The Evolution of Attire as One Ages, From Diapers to Sweatpants Man…and Beyond

Something happened the other day that caused me to think about the evolution of attire as one ages. Please be patient, as I’ll get to that momentarily. As a newborn, I came out of the shoot bare-assed like everybody else. Read More …

Electric Cars, Part 2, The Apo-car-lypse

I already wrote one blog about electric cars, but I am now inspired to write about what I’m calling the apo-car-lypse (as in apocalypse for electric cars). My first blog focused mainly on the self-driving electric car. Since that time, Read More …

The Digital Age, Does It Really Make My Life Easier?

We have been living in the digital age for a while now, and I find myself asking, “Myself, does this really make my life easier?” Keep in mind, I’m in that demographic fondly known as the elderly, so I didn’t Read More …

The Pandemic, I Can’t Get No…

The pandemic is driving me nuts. My wife and I are in that elderly category that Covid is rapidly killing off (great for the federal government and its social security budget, not so much for us). Still more or less Read More …

My Wife Needs a Job

I’ve done some crazy things during this year-and-a-half long Covid-19 pandemic, but deciding that my wife needs a job in retirement during the pandemic is, by far, the dumbest. Allow me to explain. My wife needs a job My wife Read More …