I just launched my fourth comedy murder mystery, A FISHY TALE, which makes four humorous murder mysteries featuring that dysfunctional detective, Dr. Jason Longfellow, PI and his resilient nurse wife Chelsea. I am a local St. Augustine author, and to Read More …

Learning to Live with Hurricanes

Several years ago, my wife decided she wanted to be a beach bunny, and we moved to Florida, where we are now learning to live with hurricanes. I need to say up front that I realize these storms are serious, Read More …

Fond Memories of My 2006 Jeep Wrangler

While sitting on the beach the other day, I had some fond memories of my old 2006 Jeep Wrangler. In Florida, you’re allowed to drive on the beach, and I sat there in my beach chair watching a veritable parade Read More …

A Confused Old Man’s Take on Going Green

I’m in that category fondly called the elderly, and I gotta say I’m kinda confused about this going green thing. I’ve lived for a little over 70 years, which means I’ve experienced a few things. When I’m told stuff that clearly Read More …

On the Road Again, Road Trip Part 2

We did it, we went on the road again, road trip part 2! Let me explain. Back in July 2016, my youngest daughter (then 21) and I took a 30-day, 7600-mile, cross-country road trip around the US. We took the Read More …

Purchasing Concert Tickets, a Certain Path to PTSD

Along the lines of my recent chain of blogs with the common theme “America is Broken”, I recently made the horrific mistake of purchasing concert tickets. By way of disclaimers, let me say that I often exaggerate for effect. Furthermore, Read More …

Covid Conspiracy Theories

Apparently Covid conspiracy theories abound. First, I apologize in advance for attempting to write a humorous blog post about a pandemic that has killed over 6.65 million people worldwide to date. However, I find that if I take life too Read More …

Risk Assessment, It Doesn’t Look Good

I worked in pharmaceutical development for many years, where one of my tasks was to perform risk assessments of drugs and biologicals. This involved weighing the risks (toxicities) of a new drug against the benefits (efficacy), to decide it the Read More …

New and Improved? Not So Much.

New and improved? I believe it all started with the car bumper (and if I believe it, it must be true?). Anyhow, I’m well over a half century old, so I remember a lot of stuff. This includes when cars Read More …

Electric Car Anxiety, Range Anxiety, and Eco-Anxiety? That’s a Lot of Anxiety.

Apparently, the past couple of generations have been bombarded with an overwhelming sense of anxiety, including something called eco-anxiety. This has led to electric car anxiety (electric cars are also referred to as EVs; electric vehicles) and range anxiety. That’s a whole lotta anxiety. Read More …